What costs are included in the purchase and delivery of goods?

The total cost of your purchase consists of:

1. The price of goods you choose.
2. American tax, if any (Sales tax or Tax).
3. Shipping costs of delivery within the USA, if any (from the seller to our warehouse).
4. The cost of delivery from the USA to Uzbekistan.
5. The cost of the guarantee service if it was chosen when registering a new parcel.
6. The cost of customs services, if necessary (according to the Customs Law of Uzbekistan).
7. The cost of delivery of your goods within Tashkent, if necessary (carried out by courier companies).

How is the delivery cost calculated in UZS?

The cost of delivery is calculated in UAH at the moment when the client comes to the office to receive the parcel or orders delivery. Thus, the amount in UAH will change according to the exchange rate in the system. This means that the amount in UAH can change during the day. Shipping costs in USD remain fixed. The calculation is based on https://cbu.uz/ru/

Как пополнить баланс?

To top up the balance in your Personal Account and then pay for our services, you need to go to the Balance tab and click Top up balance.Then enter the amount in US dollars and click Top up.On the next page, select the type of card (VISA/MasterCard), enter cardholder name and surname (in Latin letters), card number, expiration date, security code CVV2, and click Pay Now.

How to register a new parcel?

After ordering in an US online store, it will send you a tracking number. In the tracking code field, enter the tracking number assigned to you. Please note that this letter usually arrives a few days after ordering. In order to register a new parcel, click Register parcel and fill in the necessary information about the parcel. Please note that if you register a parcel more expensive than the customs limit, our built-in calculator will calculate the approximate duty amount you need to pay. You can also turn hints on how to fill in the fields on or off.

What is the minimum and maximum weight of a parcel?

There is no minimum weight for a parcel. You can order anything. The minimum estimated weight for air delivery is 300 grams. Anything that weighs less will be counted as 300 grams. Anything overweight will be billed at $12.00 per kilo.

  • Minimum air shipping cost is $3.60.
  • The maximum weight of one parcel (one place!) that can be sent by air is 30 kg (66 pounds). The maximum allowable length of the parcel is up to 1.5 meters for air delivery. Parcels exceeding the above dimensions may be shipped as commercial cargo. Terms and rates are agreed in advance.
What should I do if my parcel is stuck at customs?

Everyone who has ordered goods in the United States at least once knows that all goods that come to Ukraine go through the customs clearance procedure. This scares many, but there is nothing to be afraid of, unless you order something from the list of prohibited goods :)

Seriously though, you just need to learn a few basic things that will allow you to keep calm when your parcel going through the customs clearance procedure.

According to the legislation of Uzbekistan, goods up to $1000 (total amount per calendar quarter) are NOT subject to customs duty.

If the cost of the ordered goods exceeds $1000, you will have to pay 30% VAT (min $3) on the excess amount.Additional duties are also possible depending on the country of origin and product characteristics.
What to do to avoid complications with the customs?
- Always keep receipts, screenshots and other proof of the goods value to avoid misunderstandings. For example, if you order an expensive item, such as a tablet, and it costs you EUR 120, this may raise suspicion among customs officials, because they know how much it actually costs. But you will be able to provide evidence that the cost was exactly that and you are not fooling anyone.
- Always order the goods for an individual. If the goods are ordered in the name of a legal entity, customs clearance is treated differently.
- Do not order many of same goods. In this case, “many” means more than 6. Many identical goods can be regarded as an attempt to deliver a commercial cargo. And dealing with a commercial cargo is a completely different story.
Basically, these are the reasons why your parcel may get “stuck” at customs.

To be more brief, the reasons for delay may be:
- Exceeding the customs limit (30 kg or $1000).
- Prohibited items detected.
- A parcel sent to an individual is full of the same things and is suspected to be a commercial cargo.
- There are doubts that the item cost is indicated honestly.

No need to panic if your parcel is detained at customs.

You can solve the issue as follows.
- Pay the duty if you have exceeded the limit.
- Provide proof that the product is worth exactly this amount.

If you ordered a product with our help, your communication with customs would be minimal. We will only send you a receipt for duty payment. But sometimes we can ask you for documents at the request of the customs, namely:
- Passport of the consignee (scanned copy).
- Documents confirming the value of the goods (invoices, screenshots, etc.).
- Statement from the bank that indicates what amount was withdrawn.

As for timing, sometimes the parcel can be kept at customs for even more than 10 days, but this happens at peak times, for example, during the holidays. Do not worry. If there are no prohibited things in the parcel, it will be delivered to you as soon as the customs “jam” ends.

When and how is payment made?

Payment is made to a Uzbekistan bank card, other payment systems are available upon request. We cannot send unpaid orders to Uzbekistan.
Cancellation of the order is possible provided that the parcel is still in the US warehouse. Please note that partial cancellation is not possible either. You can only cancel the entire order.

What are the buy out service conditions?

The commission for the buy out service is 10–12%, the minimum commission is USD 3. Payment is made after the order is sent by the store. 100% prepayment. It is not possible to make changes to the order after the goods are redeemed.

How soon will the order be bought out?

In a short time after receiving the order, it will be processed and you will be provided with a preliminary estimated cost by email. All stages of placing an order for goods redemption and its implementation are accompanied by letters sent to your contact email.
A redemption service specialist works with you and answers your questions during the purchase process.

What is the buy out service service? How to make an order?

This is a service that helps you order goods in any stores in the United States, even those that do not accept Uzbek cards or do not deliver to the Boxette warehouse. To place an order, fill out the form on the website (https://boxette.uz/en/services/redemption-goods), or contact us by phone +998 781 137 700.

Why do I need a default address?

Sometimes there is no way to register a parcel in your personal account on time, so we do it for you when the parcel arrives at the warehouse in the USA. All such packages will be sent to the address you choose as your default address.

Что делать, если я выбрал самовывоз, а потом захочу заказать доставку?

If you chose “Pickup from Boxette office”, you can order delivery only after the parcel arrives at our office. The delivery ordering process is the same.

What if I don't need delivery?

Keep calm :) You can still choose “Pick up from the Boxette office” from the list of addresses and never think about it again. All your parcels will come to our Tashkent office. You can also choose “Pickup from the Boxette office” as the default address, and all your unregistered parcels will come to our office in Tashkent as well.

How to choose a shipping address?

This can be done in your personal account during the registration of a new parcel. You will have several options from which you can choose the most convenient one.

What is the delivery address?

This is the address where it is most convenient for you to receive your parcel in Uzbekistan.

How to and why fill in the description for the parcel?

The description of the parcel during registration is a mandatory item. If it is not filled in, parcel registration will not be possible.
The description of the goods ordered by you must be in ENGLISH and as detailed as possible (you cannot just write “Shoes” or “Clothes”). To enter the description, you just need to copy the entire name of the product into the parcel description box. For example: Saucony Kineta Relay Athletic Shoes. If there are several items in the package, please give them as a list. For example: 1. Saucony Kineta Relay Athletic Shoes, 2. Converse Skate CTAS Pro Ox Skate Sneakers, or, if the product is the same, enter Saucony Kineta Relay Athletic Shoes 2 pieces
The above conditions MUST be observed in order for your parcel to leave the United States without hindrance and pass the customs inspection in Uzbekistan

What is the check parcel service?

If you have any questions about the parcel, need to check something or check the attached invoice (if any), you can always use the check parcel service. After you select it, you will have a field for entering a comment.
In this field, please describe what exactly you want to check. Our employees in the USA will give you an answer after it is accepted at the warehouse in the USA. The package remains in stock until you tell us what to do. This service can be provided only for parcels with a tracking number, which will be registered in the personal account until they are received at the warehouse in the USA.

What is the content photo service?

If you need to check what is in the parcel or check the quality of the packaging or goods, this service is for you. If you choose the content photo service, our employee in the US warehouse will take 3 photos of your package and we will send them to you. Until we receive a response on further actions with the parcel, it will be stored at the warehouse in the United States. Please note that we can only provide this service for a parcel with a tracking number which you register in your personal account before it arrives at our warehouse.

What if my package is lost?

In this case, we will do our best to find out where and under what circumstances the package was lost. If it is confirmed that the parcel was lost through our fault and provided you have chosen the Guarantee Service, we will refund you the full declared value of the goods. The Guarantee Service costs 2.99% of the declared value. Such cases are quite rare, but we still recommend you to order the Guarantee Service in advance.

All parcels are covered by insurance up to USD 60 for free.

What if the parcel goes without a tracking number?

In any case, the parcel must be registered on our website as soon as the seller sends you a confirmation that it has been sent. It is needed so that we know you are expecting a package. Upon its arrival at the warehouse, the parcel will be assigned a tracking code under which it will travel from the USA to Uzbekistan. You will receive a notification from us by email. In most cases, such a parcel will be automatically processed for shipment to Uzbekistan.

How do I know where my package is now?

You can track the location of your parcel at any time by the tracking code that the store (seller) will send you by mail. You can track the parcel on www.packagetrackr.com or on the official carrier/online store websites. You will receive email notifications from the moment you register a new parcel and, after the parcel is received in Tashkent, you will get an SMS message from us about your parcel location. The status of the parcel will also change in your profile on our website. In the case of any delay on our part, you can contact us and we will clarify the current status of your order./p>

Is it possible to apply a promo code when using the buy out service?

Yes. The promo code should not be tied to your account or email. The promotional code that is applied to first orders cannot be used since we purchase goods only from our accounts. When sending from the USA to Uzbekistan, you need to declare the final cost of the order, subtracting the amount of the discount but keeping the delivery cost within the USA.

Will there be a tax on purchases in the USA? (Sales tax)

Our warehouse is located in a tax-free state, so the sales tax is not charged.

Do you have a consolidation service?

At the moment, each parcel departs under its own tracking number on the next flight, which ensures the shortest delivery time. Therefore, the parcels are not combined, we offer an optimization service: we will remove the excess packaging so that the parcel weights less and it arrives safe and sound.

PLEASE NOTE! We DO NOT REMOVE branded packaging (such as shoe boxes)!

How do I use discount coupons?

Here is a list of sites that will help you to save a lot while shopping in American online stores.

Here you can find coupons for discounts, information on sales, promotions, and other nice things.
Before paying for your purchase in the store, take a look at one (or all) of these sites. There is a high probability that you will find a discount coupon there.
Coupon codes usually looks like a set of letters and numbers like this: WELUVU20, or like this: VIP. It must be entered into a special code box when ordering. After entering the code, the cost will be reduced by the percent or dollars specified in the terms of the coupon.
It is always a pleasure to save money, isn’t it? Happy shopping!

How to correctly enter our address on the Victoria’s Secret website?

If you have long dreamed of Victoria’s Secret lingerie, there is no reason to postpone your purchase. But please pay attention to how to correctly indicate the address on the brand’s website. Find out how to do this below.

Please note that here the data must be entered a little differently from the way indicated in your profile. On the “Business / CO” line you must indicate CO as EasyXpress and your individual room number (5 digits), and on the next line please indicate what is stated in the Profile as Address Line 1.

In addition, please indicate the phone number without dashes and a plus sign at the beginning.

Please edit your details in this store if you are planning or have already made orders. This will make it easier for us to identify your package!

We cannot guarantee delivery on time if the information is incorrect :(

When are the best discounts in American stores?

January 1st. New Year Sales

Since the main winter holiday in the USA is Christmas, not New Year’s Eve, New Year’s sales are not as big as Christmas ones. Delivery to stores begins on January 2, so there will be no “stuck” parcels due to festive commotions.

February 14th. Saint Valentine’s Day

Or simply Valentine’s Day. On this holiday, it is customary to give each other gifts reminding of love and romance: sweets, jewelry and toys in the shape of a heart, postcards with confessions (including anonymous ones), and, according to statistics, a large number of Americans also propose to their significant others. The holiday is already known in our country, Europe and Asia, but it is still not as popular anywhere else as in the USA .

Before the holiday, American stores often hold sales and promotions for items with love symbols and jewelry. About two weeks before the holiday, you can buy goods “for him and for her”. It can be anything from wedding rings to sneakers. For example, two pairs of sweaters for the price of one.

Third Monday in February. Presidents’ Day

This is a holiday that used to be dedicated to the birthday of George Washington, so it is only celebrated in the USA.

Many stores are organizing short-term sales for this day. First of all, this applies to patriotic stores and goods, as well as country and western goods. It means there is a chance to buy cowboy boots or shirts cheaper than usual.

March 17th. St. Patrick’s Day

This holiday moved to USA from Great Britain and Ireland along with the first settlers, that is, quite a long time ago. Saint Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland.

Many stores hold various promotions and sales in honor of this holiday. There is a great chance to buy something emerald green at a discount since this color is symbolic for St. Patrick’s Day.

Somewhere between March 22nd and April 25th. Catholic Easter

The symbol of Easter in the West is not only a decorated egg, but also a rabbit that brings these eggs.

Basically, the stores sell out religious good during this period. But since Easter has entered the social life long ago, discounts may also be on food (chocolate Easter bunnies) and other goods that have nothing to do with the holiday directly.

Second Sunday in May. Mother’s Day

Unlike March 8th, only mothers and pregnant women are congratulated on this day. This is an extremely family holiday. It is customary for children to give gifts to their mothers.

Before this date, stores hold campaigns and discounts on women’s goods, and not only those that can be given as a gift: it also applies to clothes, underwear, and cosmetics.

Third Sunday in June. Father’s Day

This is also a family holiday when men who have children are congratulated. It has been celebrated in the USA since 1966.

It would be logical to assume that the stores make big discounts and hold various campaigns for men’s goods on this day.

July 4th. Independence Day

The day when the US Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776 is the largest patriotic holiday in the United States.

Many American stores hold campaigns for certain types of goods for this day, or have their entire assortment discounted on July 1st and 2nd.

First Monday in September. Labor Day

This holiday has been celebrated in the United States since 1880. Street processions dedicated to the solidarity of workers are held on this day. It is also the unofficial holiday of the end of summer, and it is customary (if the weather permits) to spend it outdoors, as, in fact, July 4th.

Therefore, for this holiday you can buy all the goods for camping and BBQ at discounts. Plenty of stores are also having huge sales of summer clothes, as if hinting that summer is over.

October 31st. Halloween

All Saints' Eve. The holiday has pagan roots, so it is celebrated very merrily, like other pagan holidays. On this day, children dress up in costumes of evil spirits and go from house to house begging for sweets. Adults go to costume parties.

This holiday is so much fun that it is now popular not only in the USA but even in our country.

Before Halloween, sales are held by youth stores, and you can buy a costume for half the price two weeks before the holiday. As for the rest, almost all stores have sales either for the entire assortment or only for certain products one way or another.

Fourth Friday of November. Black Friday

This is the first Friday after Thanksgiving. On this day, the Christmas sales begin and last until December 25th. Despite the fact that this is not an official holiday or not a holiday at all, many take a day off on this date. Therefore, all stores offer the maximum possible discounts.

Cyber Monday

Coming immediately after Black Friday. Office workers return to work and start shopping online for Christmas. This day, online stores offer the most incredible discounts of the whole year.

December 25th. Christmas

Since it is customary to give gifts to relatives on Christmas (like we do on New Year’s Eve), Christmas discounts are the greatest and the most generous of the whole year.

But note that you can find a good selection of gifts only at the very beginning of sales; the closer to Christmas, the more difficult it is to find the necessary size or model. Plus, processing slows down at this time and the mail service is overloaded (and this happens not only in the USA, but around the world too), so goods delivery becomes slower during Christmas sales.

How to check the trustworthiness of an eBay seller?

Literally everyone can be a seller on eBay, be it a brand (a legal entity) or an ordinary random man who found something in the attic and decided to sell it.

Therefore, there is always the possibility of falling for scammers. There are many fraud types on eBay. The most frequent of them are:

- You pay for the product, but it does not get sent to you.

- The item arrived does not match the description (for example, instead of a new phone you receive a used one), is of poor quality, or you have just received an empty box with no product.

- Selling fakes (when instead of a $2,000 Chanel bag comes an obvious fake worth $20 on a market day).

Naturally one would ask,how to check the seller on eBay?

eBay actually takes security very seriously. Therefore, it allows users to create seller ratings on eBay.

What should you pay attention to?
- The date of seller registration. Best if it is more than two years ago. Having a high rating means that the seller is sincere.

- The ratio of positive and negative reviews. Ideally, the rating should be between 99 and 100 percent. But if there are some negative reviews, please pay attention to when they were left. If they were left recently, it is better not to buy from this seller.

- Read reviews. If your English is not very good, use an online translator. If there are few negative reviews or only one, maybe the buyer is the problem, which also happens.

- Pay attention to the detailed seller rating (stars). Any buyer gets the opportunity to rate the seller on eBayaccording to the star system, which includes compliance of the description with the goods arrived, communication (how quickly the seller reacted to your questions, if any), delivery time, cost of delivery and packaging.

After the purchase, the seller will immediately rate you. And you are not in a hurry. In order to rate the seller oneBay, you will have to wait until your product arrives.

What bank card can be used to pay for goods in American online stores?

To pay for goods in an American online store, it is best to issue a personal VISA or MasterCard bank card. It does not matter if it is in UZS or a foreign currency. To increase the security, our experts recommend choosing a chip card if your bank provides such service. Moreover, we recommend you to have a separate credit card for such payments and keep only the amount allocated for shopping there.

Can I add another recipient address or send the package to another recipient directly (friend, relative, etc.)?

Yes! You can add as many recipient addresses as you like. This can be done via the Recipients sub-menu in your Profile. To do this, you just need to click Add address and fill in all the fields. Delivery from the USA to Uzbekistan will be carried out to the address that you have indicated as the main one when registering the parcel. Please note that if the recipient is another person, the recipient’s information must contain their passport details and phone number, not yours. In addition, if the shipping cost has not been paid in advance, the recipient will have to pay for it at the time of delivery.

Can I order from online stores not listed in the catalog?

You can! You can choose any American or worldwide online stores.

To deliver the goods, it must be possible to pay for them and for the store to deliver them to the address of our warehouse.

A word of advice from our experts: if you are planning to make a purchase in a new store and are not sure if everything will go smoothly, contact us and we will answer all your questions.

What cannot be ordered from the USA? - The list of prohibited Items!

Below is the list of prohibited goods. An attempt to send anything from this can lead to criminal liability, fines and even imprisonment.

• Piercing and cutting objects, all types of knives, including multitools, kitchen knives, axes or tourist axes.

• Weapons, including accessories for them (cartridges, storage bags, storage cases, flashlights/weapon sights, equipment, clips, mounts); tripods/stands for weapons (can be used for military purposes); paintball weapons and accessories; moveable weapon components; military uniform and accessories; paralytic liquid cans; goods marked as “Tactical”; crossbows, bows, including for sports shooting.

• Explosives, pyrotechnics.

• Fire extinguishers and bulletproof vests.

• Radioactive substances.

• Car parts that contain petroleum products, oils, liquids.

• Flammable or corrosive liquids.

• Live or non-live animals, seeds, plant seedlings, samples of mineral stones.

• Precious metals/gems.

• Money or stocks, bonds, checks, antiques (paintings, coins, etc.).

• Documents: letters; securities; passports; birth certificates.

• Pharmaceuticals, medicines (vitamins and dietary supplements are allowed).

• Medical equipment, accessories.

• Tobacco and tobacco products/accessories: hookahs; vapes; e-cigarettes.

• Narcotic substances.

• Alcohol.

• Food products; perishable goods the transportation of which requires a temperature regime.

• Pornographic materials.

• Quadcopters.

• All items requiring a US export license.

• Any military goods.

• Portable video cameras, listening devices, signal jammers and other dual-use goods.

• Electric transport and its components: electric scooters; scooters; segways; drones.

• Animal feed.

• Any expired products.

• Goods prohibited for delivery by the legislation of Ukraine and the Customs Law.

Products that are prohibited for air, but allowed for sea shipment:

• Goods weighing more than 30 kg, if not prohibited by the list above.

• Perfume/testers, aerosols, dispensers, mists.

• Accumulators, lithium batteries, power banks.

• Life jackets, car airbags.

• Shock absorbers.

• Corrosive and flammable substances (paints, adhesives, chemicals, flammable resins, solvents, liquids, compressed air, goods that contain any gases, alcohols, acids, lacquers, etc.).

Delivery of goods from such stores as digikey.com, mouser.com, as well as Raspberry Pi microcomputers, must be agreed in advance. To send the goods of this type, you need to provide an invoice and a bank statement, copy of your passport, photo of the bank card, statement in any form that the goods will be used only for personal purposes.

If you have not found your product on the prohibited list but still have doubts, please contact us for advice before buying. We will be happy to help you understand the ins and outs.

What can I order from the USA?

Everything from children's toys to car parts, except for what is on the list of prohibited items. Should you have any doubts about the possibility of delivering goods from the USA to Uzbekistan, please contact our managers, and we will answer your questions.

How do I pay for orders online?

To pay for orders online, go to your account, click on "Orders received in Tashkent." Click "Pay" if you want to pay for one parcel, or "Pay for all" if all parcels show the status "Orders received in Tashkent."
Next, choose "Pay for one order" or "Pay for all". The amount needing to be paid will be shown.
Next, enter your card details and in just 2 clicks your order will be paid for!
You can also pay for all unpaid orders with the status "Orders received in Tashkent" in the "Balance" tab, or via the main page of your account.

How can I get my order delivered to a personal address or EMU branch?

To order a delivery, go to your account page and click "Orders received in Tashkent." All orders currently in stock in Uzbekistan will be listed. You can choose delivery for all orders at once, or select each separately. Click on "Deliver" opposite each order, or the "Deliver all" button at the bottom of the page.
Unpaid orders can be paid for in cash on delivery, and you will be notified if this is the case. If you selected "Deliver all," you will be asked to select the orders you want delivered. By default, all orders will be selected. If some of the orders need to be sent to another address, unselect them. For these orders, you will need to make a separate delivery request.
Next, choose "Deliver to the office" or "Deliver to address." On the page that opens, add the address and all requested details. This delivery address will be saved in the "My Data" tab. In the future, you will be able to select that address from the list and will not need to add it again manually. Click "Next". The status "Delivery ordered" will be shown on those orders for which you have requested delivery.

Savol berish